Rita Fusaro Antiques
Spanish Tortoiseshell Cabinet on Stand
Call For Location | 203-325-8070
The sides are veneered in geometric patterns and supported by a stand with bobbin-turned supports joined by similarly turned stretchers terminating on toupie feet.

Rita Fusaro Antiques
Spanish Tortoiseshell Cabinet on Stand
A Spanish tortoiseshell and bone inlaid, ebonized walnut marquetry cabinet on stand. The upper section with a pediment with a double headed eagle surmounted by a crown and family crest. A center door, bordered by columns, reveals four interior drawers. This center section is flanked on either side by four larger drawers with inlaid panels depicting huntsmen and ladies in landscapes, ships and castles. The upper cabinet sits on molded apron with claw and ball feet.The sides are veneered in geometric patterns and supported by a stand with bobbin-turned supports joined by similarly turned stretchers terminating on toupie feet.